Jacek KASPRZAK, chercheur CNRS à l'Institut Néel (CNRS) PICSENPropagative and Internal Coherence in Semiconductor Nanostructures
Wilfried THUILLER, chercheur CNRS au LECA (CNRS / UJF / U.Savoie) TEEMBIOToward Eco-Evolutionary Models for BIOdiversity scenarios
Wiebken GUICHARD, chercheur UJF à l’Institut Néel (CNRS) FREQUJOCSuperconducting electronics with quantum phase-slips in Josephson junction chains
Stéphane REDON, chercheur INRIA au LJK (CNRS / Grenoble INP / UJF / UPMF / INRIA) ADAPTTheory and Algorithms for Adaptive Particle Simulation
Manuel THERY, chercheur CEA au LPCV (CNRS / CEA / UJF / INRIA) SPICYSpatial Integration in Cell Cytoskeleton
Vincent ARTERO, chercheur CEA au LCBM (CNRS / CEA / UJF) PHOTOCATH2ODEGathering organic and hybrid photovoltaics with artificial photosynthesis for Photo-Electro-Chemical production of hydrogen
Advanced grants
Jérôme CHAPPELLAZ, chercheur CNRS au LGGE (CNRS / UJF) ICE&LASERSInnovative Concepts for Extracting climate and atmospheric composition records from polar ice cores using new LASER Sensors
Marie-Paule CANI, chercheur Grenoble INP au LJK (CNRS / Grenoble INP / UJF / UPMF / INRIA) EXPRESSIVEEXPloring REsponsive Shapes for Seamless desIgn of Virtual Environments be retained
Jean-Louis BARRAT, chercheur UJF au LIPhy (CNRS / UJF) GlassdefDriven glasses: from statistical physics to materials properties