Palmarès 2019
Les lauréats ERC 2019 en délégation Alpes
Starting grant
THEIA Topographic effects in planetary fuid cores: Application to the Earth-Moon system
Synergy grant
- Alexander SOBOLEV, professeur à ISTerre (CNRS/IFSTTAR/IRD/UGA/USMB)
MEET Monitoring Earth Evolution Through Time
Consolidator grants
- Alexis CARLOTTI, astronome adjoint à l’OSUG-IPAG (CNRS/UGA)
EXACT : Exoplanet Adaptive Characterization with the ELT
- Benoit CERUTTI, chercheur CNRS à l’IPAG (CNRS/UGA)
SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres
- Marie-Aude MEASSON, chercheuse CNRS à l'Institut Néel (CNRS)
HiggS² HiggS mode in Superconductors
- Benjamin SACEPE, chercheur CNRS à l'Institut Néel (CNRS)
SUPERGRAPH Topological Superconductivity in Graphene
- Anne SOCQUET, physicienne d'observatoire à l'OSUG-ISTerre (CNRS/IFSTTAR/IRD/UGA/USMB)
DEEP-trigger : Preparation of subduction Earthquakes: Slow, Deep, Large-scale trigger ?
- Sonja ZMERLI, professeur à PACTE (CNRS/Sciences Po Grenoble/UGA)
POLINEQUAL The Politicisation of Economic Inequality: The Impact of Welfare Regimes, Elites’ Discourse and Media Frames on Citizens’ Perceptions, Justice Evaluations and Political Behaviour
Advanced grant
- Anne-Marie LAGRANGE, chercheuse CNRS à l'Institut de planétologie de Grenoble (IPAG - CNRS/UGA)
COBREX : COupling data and techniques for BReakthroughs in EXoplanetary systems exploration